Homework is very important and you
will have to set aside time to complete it as well as you can. It may
not, for instance, always be a written task. It could involve reading,
learning, or making things. There is a homework time-table and you can
record your homework in your personal planner.
The amount of homework increases as you progress through
the years:
Years 7 and 8
average of 1 hour per day.
Year 9
average of 1˝ hours per day.
Years 10 and 11
Up to
3 hours per day. (In these years, homework needs to be more flexible
because of the demands of GCSE coursework.)
Our idea of good behaviour is very simple; it is based on courtesy to and
consideration for others. We will expect you to:
try to understand others’ points of view
make it possible for every one in your classes to
learn, and for your teachers to teach
move quietly and sensibly about the school
speak politely to everyone and be silent when you
are asked to be
keep the school environment clean and tidy.
If you do find
yourself in trouble, you will first be approached by either your form
tutor or the relevant Head of Department. If you are asked to see the
Head of Year or Head of Upper/Lower school, you really will be in
serious trouble. These referrals are relatively few in number because
most pupils find a sharp reminder enough.
On occasions, pupils’ behaviour might mean involving a
Senior Teacher, and parents might be asked to the school to help sort
out the problem.
Very occasionally pupils will be detained after school
for an hour. Parents will receive at least 24 hours notice.
lunchtime, you can either purchase a lunch from the school cafeteria or
you can bring a packed lunch, which must be eaten in the Dining Hall.
Alternatively, if you have your parents’ permission, you may go home for
lunch. It is a privilege for older pupils sometimes to be allowed into
Eye, provided that they have a ‘pass’ from the Head or Assistant Head of
Key Stage 4.
Sixth form students are allowed
into Eye at lunchtime.
If you are feeling a bit peckish
during break time, there are first class snacks and drinks machines in
the dinning hall. You will need change with you in order to use them.
There is a
covered bicycle area for those of you who wish to cycle to school. You
are advised to lock up your cycles, and cycling helmets must be worn on
your journeys to and from school. Those older pupils among you who wish
to bring mopeds or motorcycles to school must bring a letter from your
parents requesting permission and you must have all the relevant legal
documents before a parking permit will be issued to you.