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Hartismere & Debenham Sixth Form - Facilities

Hartismere and Debenham want a consensus approach to the ‘social sixth’. We want your two years here to be happy and to benefit you personally. You will have your own centre which will contain most of your tutorial space, and your own common room for which you will be responsible. There will be no school uniform but you will be asked to dress tidily. There will be a student-elected Sixth Form Council which will be the centre of student matters and liaison, and which will organise social events, trips out and which will encourage you to contribute to the rest of the school and become involved in community projects.

The Hartismere facilities allow for all sports normally followed, e.g. football, netball, basketball, tennis, rugby, athletics, gymnastics, table tennis, badminton etc. while transport is available to take you to Debenham where the sports facilities range from a fitness room to squash courts. Swimming sessions, golf, horse-riding, sailing and other alternatives will be arranged for those of you are keen to pursue out of centre activities.

The new library has not only been designed for light and space but also for excellent researching possibilities and for private study. It has six study stations with information retrieval, tapes and headphones or computerised information; alternatively, they can be used for private study. The system will be networked and information can be assessed from there and from the new, well-equipped Information Technology suite. The new Art room and the new Science rooms have been specifically designed with the needs of the Sixth Form in mind.


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