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Accidents, Illness and Absence  

If a pupil is ill and unable to attend school, parents are asked either to telephone the school (especially if the absence is likely to be for three days or more) or to send a note on the pupil’s return to school.

Permission to leave school for medical and dental appointments should be obtained from the Head of Year before the appointment. Pupils must ‘sign out’ before they leave the premises. If family holidays have to be taken in school time, then a form, available from the school office, should be completed beforehand.

Parents continue to have the responsibility for their children’s well-being at school in circumstances where it has been agreed that a member of staff will act on the parent’s behalf in administering medicine.

Steps are taken to minimise the risk to pupils of being involved in accidents whilst at school, but inevitably they do sometimes occur. The school has a Medical Room with the normal first aid facilities. In cases of emergency, the Head Teacher endeavours to get in touch with parents: if that is not possible, he will act on the advice of the Medical Officer consulted. It is essential that parents provide emergency telephone numbers if they are not at home during the day.

Any special circumstances regarding the health of a pupil should be outlined by parents to the Head of Year.

The great majority of our pupils appear to enjoy coming to school and have a very good attendance record. Last year our attendance rate for the whole school was 94%. This is commendable and well above the national and county average. The 6% absent rate covers all types of absences, including those who are on holiday or have long term illnesses. We have a very few unauthorised absences i.e. when parents/guardians have not given permission for their children to be away; over the whole of last year there were fewer than 21 half-days.


Hartismere High School Association  

The Hartismere High School Association is an association open to parents, teachers and friends of the school. Its purpose is to raise funds for the school and to enable those connected with the school to get to know each other through the various activities which it promotes. In the past, these have included annual Summer Fêtes, Promises Auctions, race meetings, musical evenings with children participating, and wine tastings. The Association also promotes a Grand Prize Draw and runs the 100 Club.

Hartismere High School Association has raised money for various items such as computers, lights for the Drama department/PE equipment, Multi-media computers and books for the library.

New parents are most welcome. We try to enlist one committee member to represent each village in the school’s catchment area.


School Fund  

Each year, pupils, parents and friends of the school contribute to the School Fund, either directly by making a donation or by supporting sponsored events. The Fund is used to subsidise sporting and other educational trips and to purchase items of equipment that could not normally be financed by the school’s allowance from the Local Education Authority. In addition, the Fund is used to subsidise pupils wishing to attend visits and residential courses.


Personal Property  

All items of a personal nature should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Lockers are available for pupils to lock away their personal effects when not needed. Valuable items or large sums of money must not be brought to school as responsibility for them cannot be accepted.



The Education Reform Act 1988, requires local authorities to establish local arrangements for the “consideration and disposal” of certain complaints by parents and others about the school curriculum. Complaints to be dealt with by these arrangements would be those where it is alleged that the authority or the governing body of any county has acted, or is proposing to act, unreasonably in respect of the school curriculum and related matters or has failed to discharge any duty in relation to these requirements.

Accordingly, problems should be referred to the Headteacher in the first instance. If the issue cannot be resolved informally, then it may be referred to a panel of school governors and in the last resort to an LEA panel for formal consideration of complaints.



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© 2001 Staff and Students of Hartismere High School.

Design and Layout by EJWaller, Teacher i/c ICT