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Information Communication Technology  

View technology headlines at MSNBCHartismere High School is committed to ensuring that all pupils gain a good understanding of Information Technology, and develop necessary skills to use today’s - and tomorrow’s technology.

All pupils receive lessons in Information Technology, and often use computers in other subject areas. Sixth formers also use Information Technology in their courses, and can work towards a certificate as an additional study. Pupils are encouraged to use computers in their work, and the facilities are available throughout the day.

ICT Lesson

The school has over 75 networked computers, as well as several stand-alone PCs. Facilities also include laser and colour printers, control equipment, colour scanning, sound sampling, video capture and the ability to create CD-ROMs. Software includes word-processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic design, desk top publishing, computer aided design, programming presentation authoring and many reference applications. Pupils can use CD-ROMs anywhere on the network and the school has controlled access to the Internet.


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© 2001 Staff and Students of Hartismere High School.

Design and Layout by EJWaller, Teacher i/c ICT