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A variety of clubs meets in the school lunch hour or on a Tuesday evening which is our late bus night. In addition to the large range of sporting activities there is an Environment Club, a Drama Group, Choir, Orchestra, Computer Club, and several others.


Activities Day  

An Activity day takes place at the end of the summer term when Year 11 pupils have finished their exams and Year 10 pupils are on Work Experience. The timetable is suspended for the remaining year groups so that they can participate in a range of interesting activities and get to know staff and pupils from other years in a different context. It has proved thoroughly enjoyable for all pupils. There is a variety of activities, such as cycling, orienteering, cookery, computers, sailing, design workshops and writing and producing a play as well as trips to places of interest; typically London, Norwich and Bury St Edmunds.



Hartismere is justly proud of the riding skills of many of its pupils. As a school we are able to field Senior and Junior riding teams, and compete in Dressage, Cross Country and Show-Jumping events such as Woodbridge and Rosebrook: we have been very pleased with results teams have gained. We received considerable parental support in order to make our participation possible.

Pupils with an interest in riding, who wish to take part, are very welcome. Details of forthcoming events are made available to all our pupils.



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Design and Layout by EJWaller, Teacher i/c ICT