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Admissions Procedure  

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Term Dates

Pupils are admitted to the school at the age of 11+, without a formal examination.

Geography Field Trip, Arran

Under the procedures, parents will be invited to nominate two High Schools and, where both preferences may be met, an offer will be made for the first preference only. Parents will be guaranteed a place at their catchment area school (i.e. for Hartismere those who live in the catchment areas served by the Primary Schools at Eye, Occold, Wortham, Mellis, Stoke Ash, Gislingham, Thorndon, Botesdale, Hoxne and Palgrave provided the application is received by the closing date and the school is nominated as either first or second preference.

Technology Lesson

Parents who do not nominate their catchment area schools as first or second place cannot be guaranteed a place at the school. Applications for the catchment area school which are received after the closing date (e.g. if you have just moved to the area) can only be guaranteed if there are places still available.

Parents, both in and out of catchment, wishing to have their child(ren) admitted to Hartismere High School in September, are urged to make their application as first or second preference by the closing date, as the school is regularly over-subscribed.


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