About Hartismere



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Aims of the School  

Staff and Students of Hartismere 1999

We aim to meet the educational needs of each pupil and student, and to encourage a high but realistic level of expectation. We strive to exemplary standards of academic achievement, self-discipline and consideration for others. We try to give our pupils and students the knowledge and skills they will need for life and to make them proficient in literacy and numeracy. We present a balanced view of the modern world, an appreciation for the interdependence of its people and hope to develop respect for religious and moral values, the central importance of family life, and tolerance for the different views of other cultures. This is achieved within the context of a firm yet understanding and caring school environment.


General Information  

Hartismere High School was created in 1979 and caters for the area formerly served by Eye Modern and Eye Grammar Schools. The attractive and well-equipped buildings occupy a large rural campus in the heart of the countryside.

It is a mixed comprehensive school providing for pupils and students in the 11-18 age range. The new Sixth Form Centre, in partnership with Debenham High School, opened here in September 1996. The school has a dedicated and enthusiastic team of teachers and support staff; all are committed to the academic achievements, development and well-being of the young people in its care. Hartismere is a well-ordered and happy community; at present there are 745 pupils and students on roll (including 136 in a thriving sixth form. Each child is known, valued and encouraged to thrive in a caring atmosphere. The learning environment has led to exceptional academic results in public examinations as well as excellent sporting, dramatic and musical achievements. The school enjoys considerable support from the community of which it is part.


Education Officers  

Mr D Peachy
County Education Officer
Suffolk County Council
St Andrews House
County Hall

01473 583000

Mr J Sculpher
Northern Area Education Manager
Suffolk County Council
Adrian House
Alexandra Road
NR32 1PL

01502 405000


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© 2001 Staff and Students of Hartismere High School.

Design and Layout by EJWaller, Teacher i/c ICT