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4Exam Home
4Hartismere Exams:
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  Absence from an Exam  
• Results & Certificates •


4Exam Boards:
  Contact Info  
  Warning to Candidates  
  Notice to Candidates  
  Rules for Coursework  
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4Exam Timetables:
GCSE Exams, GCE Exams, English, Maths, Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Economics, General Studies, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Religious Education, Technology.
KS3 & Y10 timetables are not available yet: Sorry!


!! Remember !!
No Mobile Phones in
Examination Rooms

4Useful Links
The National Curriculum  
AQA Exam Board  
Edexcel Exam Board  
OCR Exam Board  
BBC BiteSize Revision  
You may collect your results in person from the school office between 10:30am and 1:30pm on the day that results are published.

You may arrange for your result slips to be collected for you but anyone collecting your results must be able to prove their identity and carry a letter from you authorising them to do so. If you wish to have your results forwarded by post you must leave an unsealed stamped and addressed envelope with the School Office before the end of the Summer Term. The envelope must be clearly marked with your candidate number on the back. Telephone enquiries about your results on the date of their receipt will NOT be answered. The school will be very busy on that day sorting the results slips for distribution.

Year 10: Your subject teachers will give results of your examinations to you in due course. Questions about particular subject examinations should be addressed to your subject teacher.

6Final Certificates
Any question concerning possible errors in the grades awarded must be referred to Mr Waller on the first day of the Autumn term.

Candidates who require access to their scripts must inform Mr Waller on the first day of the Autumn term and will be asked to pay a small administration charge.


Website Design & Layout
E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere


©2001 - 2003
Hartismere High School
Many photographs ©Graham Sessions


Page last updated:
23 Jul 2003 09:49