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Hartismere  High School
Hartismere & Debenham  Sixth  Form

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Hartismere High School Eye, Suffolk

A mixed comprehensive school for pupils and students in the 11-18 age range in the North of Suffolk with a Sixth Form Centre in partnership with Debenham High School

Headmaster Richard Hewitt BEd MA

In the Diary...
See all events...
4In Class Rooms...
English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Economics, Geography, Health & Social Care, History, I.C.T, Languages, Leisure & Tourism, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Technology. Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, PSHE, Collective Worship.

Library, Careers, Learning Support, Sex Education, Equal Opportunities, Multicultural Education.

Connect to Hartismere Email

4See Also...
About Hartismere
General Information
The School Day
Term Dates
School Diary
School Location
School Plan
Hartismere Performance
Suffolk County Council
Suffolk CC Education
Suffolk Schools
Oftsted Home
Hartismere Ofsted Report
DfES Home
The National Curriculum
Our Neighbour Schools
The Parent's Centre
4For Students...
Student Index, Form Tutors, New Pupils, Bicycles, Homework, Behaviour, Lunchtimes, Dawn Beales, Student Home Pages, Internet Fun, School Birthdays, See Also....
4For Staff...
Staff Room, Staff List, Form Tutors, Local Files and Software.
Cover Arrangements, KS3 National Strategy.
4In the Sixth Form...
Sixth Form, Continuity, Opportunity, Achievement, Welcome, Facitlities, The Form Tutor, Planning Ahead, Ethos.
4For Parents...
Parents, New Parents, Form Tutors, Accidents & Absence, High School Association, School Fund, Property, Complaints, Contact with Home, Reports, Consultation, Newsletter.
4And More...
Extras, Website Gallery, Clubs, Activities Days, Riding, Community, Community Tutor, External Links, Sport, Visits & Trips, Collective Worship, Achievement Scheme, Dawn Beales.

Website Design & Layout
E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere


©2001 - 2003
Hartismere High School
Many photographs ©Graham Sessions


Page last updated:
23 Jul 2003 09:49