Name |
Initials |
Area |
Mr R Hewitt  | RJH | Headmaster | History |
Mr J Brown  | JBR | Deputy Head | French |
Mr C Aldous  | CAL | Assistant Head | Curriculum Manager | Mathematics | Tutor: 12W |
Mrs S McInerney | SMC | Assistant Head | Pupil/Student Support | Communication Manager | English |
Mr P White | PJW | Assistant Head | Finance and Administration Manager | Mathematics |
Dr G Bennett  | GBE | Head of Department: Art | Examination, Assessment, Evaluation Manager |
Mr G Sessions  | GSE | Head of Department: Science | Environment Manager | Tutor: 8F |
Mr P Auckland | PHA | Head of Department: Physical Education | Community Tutor | Tutor: 13F |
Mrs B Bailey | BAB | Head of Department: Mathematics | Tutor: 11B |
Mrs Ballantyne | AHB | Head of Department: English | Tutor: 9B |
Mrs Clifford  | LCL | Head of Sixth Form | Chemistry |
Mrs J Newnham  | JEN | Head of Key Stage 4 | Physical Education |
Mr A Nutt | ABN | Head of Department: Business Studies and Economics | Assistant Head of Sixth Form | Tutor: 12E |
Mrs D Annis | DAN | Head of Department: Modern Foreign Languages | Tutor: 11C |
Mr D McGeever | DMG | Head of Key Stage 3 | Mathematics | Tutor: 7F |
Mr J Mortimer  | JMO | Head of Department: Design & Technology | Tutor: 10C |
Mrs H Peters | HCP | Head of Department: Food Technology | Tutor: 13C |
Mr J Rockey | ROC | Head of Department: Geography | Assistant Head of Key Stage 4 |
Mrs P Aldous | PAL | Head of Biology | Tutor: 11B |
Miss S-J Bullock | SJB | Head of Music | Tutor: 9F |
Mr M Burridge | MAB | Second in Department: English | Library | Tutor: 10E |
Ms P Crompton | PEC | Religious Education | Teacher in Charge: PSHE | Tutor: 10F |
Mrs S Lismore-Burns | SLB | Second in Department: Mathematics | Tutor: 11F |
Mrs J Locke | JLO | Co-ordinator of Learning Support |
Mr G Luxton | LUX | Chemistry | Tutor: 11E |
Mr R Miller  | RAM | Head of Department: History | Tutor: 13W |
Mr E Waller  | EWA | Head of Department: Information & Communication Technology | Examinations, Assessment and Evaluation |
Mrs S Crisp | SCR | Head of Department: Drama | Tutor: 13E |
Mrs L Deaville | LDE | Second in Department: Modern Foreign Languages | Tutor: 8E |
Mrs L Flatman | LFL | Assistant Head of Key Stage 3 | History |
Miss S Gray | SGR | English | Literacy Co-ordinator | Tutor: 10W |
Mrs D Hargraves | DHA | Head of GNVQ | Health & Social Care | Tutor: 13B |
Mr R Peaty  | RPE | Physics | Key Skills | Tutor: 12F |
Mr T Sawyer  | TSA | Leisure & Tourism | Geography | Assistant Head of Key Stage 3 |
Ms M Holder | HOL | Textiles | Tutor: 7W |
Mrs M Jeniec | MJE | English | Tutor: 9W |
Dr R Kirk | DRK | Biology | Tutor: 9C |
Mr M Macdonald | MDM | Design & Technology | Tutor: 12C |
Mrs J McKenzie | JAM | Science | Tutor: 7B |
Miss J Nesbitt | NES | Physical Education | Tutor: 8C |
Mrs L Owens | LMO | Geography | Tutor: 7E |
Mr S Parry | SPA | Physical Education | Tutor: 9E |
Mrs A Harbrow | AHR | Learning Support | Statemented Children |
Mrs A Brown | BRO | Geography |
Mr A Davies  | ADA | Science |
Mrs D Davies | DDA | Modern Languages | Tutor: 8B |
Mr D Emerton | DEM | Mathematics |
Mrs L Foulston  | LIF | Science |
Mrs T Hagley  | TIH | Art | Tutor: 10B |
Mr J Mills | MIL | Music |
Mrs R Moore | RMR | Art |
Mr L Moses | LRM | Modern Foreign Languages | Tutor: 7C |
Ms D Ripper | DRI | Business Studies | Tutor: 8W |
Mrs L Scales  | LSC | Business Studies |
Mrs R Whitcombe | RWI | English | History | Tutor: 12B |