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Welcome to Hartismere

When you arrive at Hartismere, you will be placed in a form group with other new pupils - some of whom you will know, others who will be new to you. Your form tutor will be the person who will look after you through the year, and he/she will be with you in your Personal, Social and Health Education sessions (PSHE for short). By the end of your first year both your tutor and your form-mates should all know each other very well, and be able to help you in different ways should you need it.

Worth a Look...

Google: School Time
A large collection of useful websites.
Parents, teachers, students. Fresh ideas to enhance learning.
BBC - Learning
Explore, Participate, Learn.
Friends Reunited
A simple to use website that allows you to find out what your old friends are doing now.
A-Levels UK
Provides comprehensive service to A-level students in the UK.
See the Webmaster to add a site to this list...
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Website Design & Layout
E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere


©2001 - 2003
Hartismere High School
Many photographs ©Graham Sessions


Page last updated:
23 Jul 2003 09:49