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Religious Education - Location  

The RE department has a specialist room in the new Humanities block, which is shared with History and Geography. The room is in excellent condition, with a new white board/OHP screen, TV/VCR, and large display boards. It makes for a very pleasant teaching atmosphere. Over the past two years, the department has benefited from new textbooks, stimulating videos and artefacts. All worksheets are new, and have been created with the intention to be interesting and thought provoking. The resources we use have proved to be very successful.

Working in the Classroom

As you can see, the display boards in the R.E. classroom always exhibit the excellent work that is produced in R.E. lessons.  The room provides an excellent working environment, and is well equipped with a white board and OHT screen, TV and video, display boards lockable cupboards and units.  The R.E. room, as with all the rooms in the Humanities block, are quiet and comfortable, and are at a constant temperature throughout the year.

   The R.E. department currently uses the Humanities Marking Policy.  This is will be reviewed by the R.E. department in the new school year (2001/2002), to address issues of coherence, structure and relevance system.  Also, work will be  marked for spelling punctuation and grammar using annotations currently used by the English department, to minimise confusion for the students.

  The classroom has a variety of resources, including worksheets, textbooks, videos and artefacts.  These resources have been tailored to the courses on offer for the students, and have proved to be both successful and popular.  We are constantly looking to develop and increase our resources, to allow students to get the most out of their time in R.E. lessons.

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