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Religious Education - Visits  

The department recognises the value of running trips for the pupils. They enrich the lives of the students, contribute to the ethos of the school, and also build upon the already very good reputation of the school.

This is a list of the trips/events that have either been successfully run, or are being planned:

Year 7 The "Who am I?" exhibition at the Science Museum, London
Year 8 Local Jewish synagogue Visiting Exhibition coming in to the school, from the Beth Shalom centre, about the Holocaust
Year 9 The Jewish Museum in London, including talking to the renowned Holocaust survivor, Leon Greenman "Holocaust Day" poetry competition
Year 10 National Gallery, London, "Seeing Salvation" art and sculpture exhibition and tour Guest speaker, on Genetics Guest speakers from local faith communities
Year 11 Norwich Cathedral, which included tours of the cathedral, and talking with the Bishop


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