Make sure
your scripts are clearly marked with the appropriate examination
answer papers will be collected in candidate order. You must hand
your scripts to the invigilator. You must sit in total silence
until all examination material has been collected. The examination
boards regard an examination to be in progress from the time you enter
the examination room until all scripts have been collected. If you
infringe any of the regulations during this period you may be
disqualified. You will be dismissed in number order and your
examination desks checked by an invigilator. You may not leave the
examination room until dismissed by an invigilator. Your candidate
number will be collected by an invigilator (not Year 10 exams).
Examination desks are set out to comply with examination board
regulations. You must not alter the position of your examination desk.
Candidates must not remove examination question papers and answer paper
from the examination room at any time. Where multiple-choice stationery
is used in an examination make sure that you understand how to use it
level and AS level) results should be received at the school on
Thursday 16 August. GCSE results should be received at the school on
Thursday 23 August. You may collect your results in
person from the school office between
10:30am and
1:30pm on
the appropriate day.
You may
arrange for your result slips to be collected for you but anyone
collecting your results must be able to prove their identity and
carry a letter from you authorising them to do so. If you
wish to have your results forwarded by post you must leave an
unsealed stamped and addressed envelope with Mrs Groom, the
Headmaster's Secretary, before the end of the Summer Term. The envelope
must be clearly marked with your candidate number on the back. Telephone
enquiries about your results on the date of their receipt will NOT
be answered. The school will be very busy on that day sorting the
results slips for distribution.
Your subject teachers will give results of your examinations to you in
due course. Questions about particular subject examinations should be
addressed to your subject teacher.
Certificates usually arrive in school at the end of October. The school
will hold a Certificate Evening when candidates may collect their
certificates. Certificates may be collected from school personally at
any other time but certificates must be signed for. You may arrange for
your certificates to be collected for you but anyone collecting your
certificate must provide identification and carry a letter from you
authorising them to do so. If you prefer to have your certificates
posted you must leave a large envelope measuring not less than 32cm
X 23cm with Mrs Groom at the school office together with £1.00 to cover
the cost of recorded delivery.
question concerning possible errors in the grades awarded must be
referred to Mr Waller on the first day of the Autumn term.
Candidates who require access to their scripts must inform Mr
Waller on the first day of the Autumn term and will be asked to pay a
small administration charge.