Before the Exam



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Before the Exam

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Examination Details

Make sure that you know your candidate number, the school centre number and your examination timetable. Bring your statement of entry with you to the examination.


You are required to attend school when you have an examination. When you are in school but not in an examination you must use the revision rooms provided. Details of the revision room to which you must report in the first instance are included in this booklet.


All school text books, library books and any other school property must be returned to school before the date of your last examination.


Year 10: The year 10 examinations do not excuse you from your obligations to your form tutor. Make sure that your tutor knows that you are present in school if the starting time of an examination prevents you from attending registration in the normal way.



If you are in Year 10 or 11 you must wear school uniform when attending GCSE or GNVQ examinations.



Morning Examinations. You should wait in the Dining Hall until you are called into the sports hall by the invigilator. Registration will take place at this time.


Afternoon Examinations: You should wait outside the Sports Hall main entrance by the Rural Learning Centre – not on the road. Registration will take place at this time, or when you have entered the Sports Hall.


Examination Regulations

Make sure that you know and follow strictly the instructions to candidates that are displayed both outside and inside the examination rooms. Failure to comply with the regulations may lead to you being disqualified from an examination.


Examination Times

Present yourself at the examination room not less than 5 minutes before the published start time of the examination. Late arrival (after the examination has started) may bar you from an examination.



You must provide your own examination equipment. You will not be allowed to borrow equipment from other candidates. Provide yourself with at least two good black or blue pens, HB and B pencils, a pencil sharpener, eraser and ruler. Bring any  special equipment which you know you are permitted to use in an examination (check with your teacher if you are not sure what is permitted). Tippex correcting fluid or correctable pens etc are not allowed by the examination boards, DO NOT USE THEM AT ANY TIME. Bring all your pens and pencils to the examination room in a clear plastic bag. Bags, books, blotting paper, writing paper, mobile phones and calculators (unless permitted by the examination) must not be brought into the examination room at any time.


Dictionaries are not allowed unless permitted by a statement in the syllabus for the subject. Check with your subject teacher.



Only bring a calculator if you know you are allowed to use it. If you are not sure if a calculator is permitted check with your subject teacher. Calculators, where permitted, must have their own power source; must not have an audio output or noisy keys; must not have facilities for magnetic card input or plug in modules of program instructions; must not have the facility for use as a data bank, dictionary or language translator.


Make sure that there is nothing written on the lid or cover of your calculator, for example formulas or mathematical expressions.


Consider bringing spare batteries for your calculator.


Maths GCSE: Calculators are allowed for only one of the two examination papers. Check with your Maths teacher for details.


Mobile Phones

Do not, under any circumstances, bring a mobile phone or any other electronic communication device into the examination room. You will not be able to leave a mobile phone with the invigilator during the examination. If necessary, you should leave your mobile phone with the front office – ensure that it is clearly marked with your name.


You may not use a mobile phone as a calculator.


Examination Rooms

Most examinations will take place in the Sports Hall but other rooms may also be used. Information about the location of an examination will be found on your examination timetable. During the examination period the Sports Hall and the Sports Hall corridor will be out of bounds at all times to all pupils except examination candidates during the time of an examination.



You must sit at the desk that carries your candidate ‘ticket’ (not Year 10 exams). Your position in the examination room will be recorded on the room seating plan by the invigilator.

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