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In the Sixth Form:

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Moving into the Sixth Form will be as significant a change as the one you made when you joined your High School; then, you had to adjust to learning eight or nine discrete subjects, now, you will be in charge of your own learning in two or three chosen subject areas, and will be given adult status within the Sixth Form Centre.

We plan to organise 'induction days' before the end of your Year 11, when there will be opportunities to familiarise yourself with what the Sixth Form has to offer; these days will be significant in determining your next two years, both socially and academically.

Once you have made up your mind to join the Sixth Form, the first object is to fill in an application form indicating which subjects/courses you wish to follow. This should not be as difficult a choice as it may seem because by then you will have talked over your way forward with your parents, teachers and careers advisers and will have a fair idea of what will be open to you should you reach the necessary standards at GCSE. You need not worry that your original plan will have to stand; changes may be made, with guidance, right up to the day you start the term. Following your GCSE results you will be able to arrange for an interview with the Head of Sixth Form to review your programme of study should you need to do so.

On the Network...

Form Filling Software


See Also...

HE Student Support


Debenham High School


Website Design & Layout
E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere


©2001 - 2003
Hartismere High School
Many photographs ©Graham Sessions


Page last updated:
23 Jul 2003 09:49