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The Education Reform Act 1988, requires local authorities to establish local arrangements for the “consideration and disposal” of certain complaints by parents and others about the school curriculum. Complaints to be dealt with by these arrangements would be those where it is alleged that the authority or the governing body of any county has acted, or is proposing to act, unreasonably in respect of the school curriculum and related matters or has failed to discharge any duty in relation to these requirements.

Accordingly, problems should be referred to the Headteacher in the first instance. If the issue cannot be resolved informally, then it may be referred to a panel of school governors and in the last resort to an LEA panel for formal consideration of complaints.

See Also...

  Hartismere Performance  
  Suffolk County Council  
  Suffolk CC Education  
  Suffolk Schools  
  Oftsted Home  
  Hartismere Ofsted Report  
  DfES Home  
  The National Curriculum  
  Our Neighbour Schools  
  The Parent's Centre  


Website Design & Layout
E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere


©2001 - 2003
Hartismere High School
Many photographs ©Graham Sessions


Page last updated:
23 Jul 2003 09:49