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• Consultation •

A number of consultation evenings are arranged each year to enable discussions to take place with teachers; the dates of these sessions are made available to parents early in the Autumn term. They are arranged so as to complement the issuing of Pupil Profiles. Each year group has one session during the year. An appointment system operates between 5.00 pm and 8.00 pm.

In addition to these, there are two evenings for parents of Year 6 pupils in the year before their children join the school, one in November, and one in July. There is also an evening for pupils in Year 7 who have just arrived at the school. We hope that this will ease the process of transferring to a new school. Year 9 have an extra evening to discuss option choices. We have an Information Evening for Year 10 parents in the Autumn term to discuss such issues as Work Experience and the demands of GCSE. Year 11 have a ‘Pathways’ evening in the Autumn term where they can see the options open to them post 16, and an invitation evening when staff ask to see certain parents.

These dates appear in the calendar planner issued to pupils and parents at the beginning of each academic year.

A Certificate Presentation Evening is held annually. Additionally, occasional meetings are arranged in response to particular needs, e.g. developments in the National Curriculum which might affect the syllabuses currently in use.

See Also...

  Hartismere Performance  
  Suffolk County Council  
  Suffolk CC Education  
  Suffolk Schools  
  Oftsted Home  
  Hartismere Ofsted Report  
  DfES Home  
  The National Curriculum  
  Our Neighbour Schools  
  The Parent's Centre  


Website Design & Layout
E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere


©2001 - 2003
Hartismere High School
Many photographs ©Graham Sessions


Page last updated:
23 Jul 2003 09:49