try to ensure that our curriculum enable pupils to move with ease into
work or further education. In addition all pupils are given information
and guidance about careers in their Personal, Health and Social
Education with the PSHE tutor playing a major role. Professional support
is provided by Suffolk Careers.
During Year 11 all pupils are offered an interview
with the careers officer. All Year 10 pupils participate in the Work
Experience Scheme in the summer term.
There are information evenings for parents and pupils
in Years 10 and 11. Similar arrangements are made for 6th Formers.
Website Design & Layout E. J. Waller
Head of ICT, Hartismere
Hartismere High School website (The Hartismere Network) is a dynamic
electronic version of the school brochure.
The school brochure is available
on request. Every
effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained in the
Hartismere Network Website, but users should be aware that such accuracy
is not guaranteed.
Users are advised to contact the school to make certain of any details
that are contained in this website.