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Extras, Website Gallery, Clubs, Activities Days, Riding, Community, Community Tutor, External Links, Sport, Visits & Trips, Collective Worship, Achievement Scheme, Dawn Jeffery. |

Students explore questions concerning beliefs, and their effect on
lifestyle, and units on Symbolism, Religious Buildings, Looking for God,
Commitment, and Martin Luther King.
Who am I?”
Introducing beliefs and values in R.E.
Defining what a person is and how they grow, develop and participate
in the world. |
“Symbolism” and “Looking for God”
Introducing places of worship and their contents; looking at concepts
of god/responses to. |
Examining different forms of commitment, and then looking at it in
action in the life of Martin Luther King. |
Students consider Questions about Life, Religious Lifestyles, Metaphors
of Light and Darkness, and the Holocaust.
“Light and Darkness”
a detailed look at the way these ideas have been symbolically
presented. |
“Questions about Life”
examining different responses about how the world began. |
“Jewish beliefs and practices”
a detailed look at Judaism which, includes an assessment on the
Holocaust. |
Students consider the
nature of beliefs and values, Sacred writings, Prejudice, Buddhism and
Moral Issues.“
“Beliefs and Values”
a detailed look at beliefs, values and principles. |
looking at examples and responses to various forms of prejudice. |
“Morality Matters”
a look at different moral issues from different perspectives. |
We are developing a scheme of work from the Suffolk
Agreed Syllabus. RE is taught as part of a "carousel" in years 10 and
11, along with courses in I.T., Study Skills, Health and Social Care.
The R.E. course lasts for 6/7 weeks, and covers issues of Belief, Faith,
Truth, Miracles, Revelation, and Contemporary Issues. This is a popular
course, and gives pupils the opportunity to consider their own
developing beliefs within a structured framework.
“Miracles” |
“Ethics” |
“Beliefs” |