tutor group is the centre for each pupil’s daily work. The tutor groups
meet twice a day with their Tutor and we regard this as an important
part of routine work. Parents wishing to talk over any problems are
asked to contact the Tutor first. If the matter cannot be easily
resolved then please approach the relevant Assistant Head or Head of KS3
or KS4. |
Home / School Agreement was created in 1999 and distributed to all
households with children in the 11-16 age group attending school. This
agreement is the result of a government directive that all schools
should have such an agreement, but it must be stressed that signing it
is NOT a legal requirement; it should be seen as a genuine effort of all
parties concerned to work together for the good of the pupils. |
Bullying only affects a few pupils in
this school, but we recognise that for those few it can be very
distressing. There is a firmly established pattern of helping both
victims and bullies which has worked very well since its implementation
some years ago. Our approach now has drawn much praise from the County. |