is an important part of children’s learning and at Hartismere our
assessment policy aims to improve a pupil’s performance by concentrating
on achievement rather than failure. The system supports teachers and
pupils working together and we hope to give the kind of information
which will be useful for pupils, their teachers, their families and
other users of our assessment system. Assessments are made in relation
to skills, motivation and effort. |
A very detailed profile is produced for each pupil during the course
of the year at a time which is most appropriate to their learning needs.
This involves a considerable amount of self assessment by the student
and shows their achievement in all aspects of school life. |
The pupil and form tutor work
together to agree a summary of individual personal and social
development. Parents are an important part of the assessment process and
are asked to comment on their child’s performance. |
From 1998, we have introduced a system of "tracking" in Years 7 to
10. Three times a year every pupil in these year groups will be assessed
on their effort, irrespective of their ability. We feel that emphasising
effort will help us support pupils in their learning and ultimately lead
to their achieving their potential. |