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GCSE Exams, GCE Exams, English, Maths, Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Economics, General Studies, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Religious Education, Technology.
KS3 & Y10 timetables are not
available yet: Sorry! |
!! Remember !!
No Mobile Phones in
Examination Rooms |
Your Examination |
Calculators, where permitted,
must have their own power source; must not have an audio output or noisy
keys; must not have facilities for magnetic card input or plug in
modules of program instructions; must not have the facility for use as a
data bank, dictionary or language translator. Consider bringing spare
batteries for your calculator. |
Must... |
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know and follow strictly the
Notice to Candidates and
Warning to Candidates |
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arrive ten minutes early. |
ü |
Morning exams: Wait in the Dining Hall
Afternoon exams: Wait outside the Sports Hall. |
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bring your own equipment in a clear
plastic bag. |
Must Not... |
û |
bring any disallowed equipment,
especially a mobile phone, or a calculator
where it is not permitted for a particular paper. |
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have anything written on the lid or cover
of your calculator. |