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GCSE Exams, GCE Exams, English, Maths, Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Economics, General Studies, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Religious Education, Technology.
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!! Remember !!
No Mobile Phones in
Examination Rooms |
6Warning to Candidates |
(applicable to all examinations
operated by the GCE, VCE, GCSE and GNVQ Awarding Bodies)
- You must be on time for all your examinations. You must remain
under supervision until at least one hour (or a period equal to the
duration of the examination if this is less than one hour) after the
published starting time for each examination.
- Remember
- you must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice
in any part of the examination;
- you must not take into the examination room any unauthorised
material or equipment which might give you an unfair advantage such
as notes, calculator cases/instruction leaflets, bags, personal
TV/stereos, electronic or radio communication devices, including
mobile telephones.
Any pencil cases taken into the examination room must be
- you must not talk to or otherwise communicate with or disturb
other candidates once the examination has started.
- The Head of your centre must report to the Awarding Body all cases
of irregularity or misconduct connected with the submission of
coursework or with occurrences in the examination room. Possession of
unauthorised material is an infringement of the regulations even if
you do not intend to use it.
- If the Awarding Body is satisfied that you are involved in any
irregularity, misconduct or dishonesty, your results may be cancelled.
For involvement in serious offences, you may also be disqualified from
the current examination and debarred from future examinations of all
the GCE, VCE, GCSE and GNVQ Awarding Bodies.
- Sitting an examination in the name of another candidate, or
allowing another person to sit an examination in your name, is gross
misconduct and may amount to a criminal offence.
Copies of this notice must be displayed both inside and outside the
examination room. |