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4Hartismere Exams:
4Exam Boards:
4Exam Timetables:
GCSE Exams, GCE Exams, English, Maths, Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Economics, General Studies, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Religious Education, Technology.
KS3 & Y10 timetables are not
available yet: Sorry! |
!! Remember !!
No Mobile Phones in
Examination Rooms |
Your Examination |
The invigilator will read through the
front of your question paper with you and tell you how long the
examination is. If you have any questions, doubts or concerns then you
should raise your hand. There is space on your candidate ‘ticket’
to write the start and end times of your examination (not Year 10
exams). |
Must... |
ü |
raise your hand if you have any problems
or questions, or if you need extra paper. |
ü |
If you arrive late: you must report to
the school office. You must see Mr E Waller or
Dr G Bennett immediately after the examination. |
Must Not... |
û |
attempt to communicate or distract
any other candidate. |
û |
try to cheat. |
û |
engage in any manner of misconduct, as outlined
in the Warning to Candidates. |
6Misconduct |
Cheating or other
misconduct will be reported immediately to Mr Waller (Examinations
Officer) who is obliged to inform the examination boards. The
examination boards may disqualify and bar the entry of anyone to
further examinations who has been involved in any irregularity or
If you are disqualified from any examination you will be required to
repay the wasted examination fee (which the school pays in advance
on your behalf) for each subject. |