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4Hartismere Exams:
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4Exam Timetables:
GCSE Exams, GCE Exams, English, Maths, Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Economics, General Studies, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Religious Education, Technology.
KS3 & Y10 timetables are not
available yet: Sorry! |
!! Remember !!
No Mobile Phones in
Examination Rooms |
6Examination Details |
Make sure that you know your
candidate number, the school centre number and your examination
timetable. Bring your statement of entry with you to the examination.
You are required to attend school when you have an examination. When you
are in school but not in an examination you must use the revision rooms
provided. Details of the revision room to which you must report in the
first instance are included in your examination information booklet.
All school text books, library books and any other school property
must be returned to school before the date of your last examination.
Year 10: The year 10 examinations do not excuse you from your
obligations to your form tutor. Make sure that your tutor knows that you
are present in school if the starting time of an examination prevents
you from attending registration in the normal way. |
6Dress |
If you are in Year 10 or 11 you must
wear school uniform when attending GCSE or GNVQ examinations. |
6Supervision |
If you are attending school for the
purpose of revising or in order to sit an examination you must report
for registration and ensure that you are marked present. Details of the
rooms to be used for registration for Year 11 are provided with these
notes. |
Clashes |
Some examinations may be timetabled
for the same date and time (exam clash) – especially AS and A2 units.
These examinations will run consecutively. Sometimes it is necessary to
move an examination to the morning or afternoon. Candidates involved in
these examinations will be supervised over lunch. You should see Mr E
Waller or Dr G Bennett for further information if this affects you. |