Hartismere High School

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Religious Studies
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Physical Education

The tutor group is the centre for each pupil’s daily work. The tutor groups meet twice a day with their Tutor and we regard this as an important part of routine work. Parents wishing to talk over any problems are asked to contact the Tutor first. If the matter cannot be easily resolved then please approach either:-

bulletHead of Year 7, Miss S J Bullock
bulletHead of Year 8, Mrs M Watson
bulletHead of Lower School, Mr D McGeever


bulletHead of Year 9, Mr J Mortimer
bulletHead of Year 10, Mrs H Peters
bulletHead of Year 11, Mrs J Newnham
bulletHead of Upper School, Mrs J Newnham

Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact the school if at any time they are concerned about their child. In addition to the consultation evenings, there is an open afternoon, immediately after school, when parents/guardians are welcome to come in and chat to senior staff.

Bullying only affects a few pupils in this school, but we recognise that for those few it can be very distressing. There is a firmly established pattern of helping both victims and bullies which has worked very well since its implementation some years ago. Our approach now has drawn much praise from the County.

Assessment is an important part of children’s learning and at Hartismere our assessment policy aims to improve a pupil’s performance by concentrating on achievement rather than failure. The system supports teachers and pupils working together and we hope to give the kind of information which will be useful for pupils, their teachers, their families and other users of our assessment system. Assessments are made in relation to skills, motivation and effort.

A very detailed profile is produced for each pupil during the course of the year at a time which is most appropriate to their learning needs. This involves a considerable amount of self assessment by the student and shows their achievement in all aspects of school life.

The pupil and form tutor work together to agree a summary of individual personal and social development. Parents are an important part of the assessment process and are asked to comment on their child’s performance.

If a pupil is ill and unable to attend school, parents are asked either to telephone the school (especially if the absence is likely to be for three days or more) or to send a note on the pupil’s return to school.

Permission to leave school for medical and dental appointments should be obtained from the Head of Year before the appointment. Pupils must ‘sign out’ before they leave the premises. If family holidays have to be taken in school time, then a form, available from the school office, should be completed beforehand.

Parents continue to have the responsibility for their children’s well-being at school in circumstances where it has been agreed that a member of staff will act on the parent’s behalf in administering medicine.

Steps are taken to minimise the risk to pupils of being involved in accidents whilst at school, but inevitably they do sometimes occur. The school has a Medical Room with the normal first aid facilities. In cases of emergency, the Head Teacher endeavours to get in touch with parents: if that is not possible, he will act on the advice of the Medical Officer consulted. It is essential that parents provide emergency telephone numbers if they are not at home during the day.

Any special circumstances regarding the health of a pupil should be outlined by parents to the Head of Year.

The great majority of our pupils appear to enjoy coming to school and have a very good attendance record. Last year our attendance rate for the whole school was 94%. This is commendable and well above the national and county average. The 6% absent rate covers all types of absences, including those who are on holiday or have long term illnesses. We have a very few unauthorised absences i.e. when parents/guardians have not given permission for their children to be away; over the whole of last year there were fewer than 21 half-days.

A number of consultation evenings are arranged each year to enable discussions to take place with teachers; the dates of these sessions are made available to parents early in the Autumn term. They are arranged so as to complement the issuing of Pupil Profiles. Each year group has one session during the year. An appointment system operates between 5.00 pm and 8.00 pm.

In addition to these, there are two evenings for parents of Year 6 pupils in the year before their children join the school, one in November, and one in July. There is also an evening for pupils in Year 7 who have just arrived at the school. We hope that this will ease the process of transferring to a new school. Year 9 have an extra evening to discuss option choices. We have an Information Evening for Year 10 parents in the Autumn term to discuss such issues as Work Experience and the demands of GCSE. Year 11 have a ‘Pathways’ evening in the Autumn term where they can see the options open to them post 16, and an invitation evening when staff ask to see certain parents.

These dates appear in the calendar planner issued to pupils and parents at the beginning of each academic year.

A Certificate Presentation Evening is held annually. Additionally, occasional meetings are arranged in response to particular needs, e.g. developments in the National Curriculum which might affect the syllabuses currently in use.


Each half term the school publishes a full and detailed Newsletter. A wide range of the school’s activities is reported in its pages, from the sporting and cultural side of school life to staff news and curriculum developments. The first issue of the school year will include parts of the pupil planner relevant to parents.

The Hartismere High School Association is an association open to parents, teachers and friends of the school. Its purpose is to raise funds for the school and to enable those connected with the school to get to know each other through the various activities which it promotes. In the past, these have included annual Summer Fêtes, Promises Auctions, race meetings, musical evenings with children participating, and wine tastings. The Association also promotes a Grand Prize Draw and runs the 100 Club.

Hartismere High School Association has raised money for various items such as computers, lights for the Drama department/PE equipment, Multi-media computers and books for the library.

New parents are most welcome. We try to enlist one committee member to represent each village in the school’s catchment area.

Each year, pupils, parents and friends of the school contribute to the School. The Fund is used to subsidise sporting and other educational trips and to purchase items of equipment that could not normally be financed by the school’s allowance from the Local Education Authority. In addition, the Fund is used to subsidise pupils wishing to attend visits and residential courses.

All items of a personal nature should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Lockers are available for pupils to lock away their personal effects when not needed. Valuable items or large sums of money must not be brought to school as responsibility for them cannot be accepted.

School Transport


Transport is provided by Suffolk County Council for all pupils who live three miles or more from the school. This distance is measured by the shortest available route. Parents/guardians who opt for a place at the school, but who do not live within our recognised catchment area are expected to make their own arrangements for transport and to meet the cost. For pupils who live within three miles of the school concessionary places may be available; this depends upon there being spare places on the vehicles operating the route concerned and upon the parents paying in advance for such a service. A revision of the changes made in connection with the discretionary transport scheme has taken place this year. The extract from the Transport Manager's letter informing us of the restructuring follows:

"For the following categories of discretionary travel the termly charge from September 1997 will be £58: Post 16 Students / Pupils living marginally within the minimum qualifying distances for free travel / other "under distance" pupils and students (the group whose parents make application to us to fill otherwise spare seats on "closed" contract bus routes only). A new category of discretionary travel has been created for which, from September, the termly charge will be £85: Pupils and students attending schools on an out-catchment basis, where the distance travelled on the transport is greater than the two and three mile minimum free travel qualifying distances and where parents make application to us for otherwise spare seats on "closed" contract bus routes only. For all categories, parents will be exempted from the charge where financial hardship is demonstrated. The usual tests are receipt of Family Credit, Income Support and certain other benefits. Charges are levied only for the first two discretionary travellers in each family; additional children travel free of charge".

Any parents with queries about the arrangements should contact:

The Education Transport Section (01473) 584671

A Late Bus Service

This operates on Tuesdays (except the first and last Tuesday of each term) so that all our pupils have the opportunity to stay for after school activities:-

Route 1

bullet17.05 Hartismere High School
bullet17.13 Occold, School
bullet17.18 Thorndon, Church
bullet17.20 Thorndon, Black Horse
bullet17.22 Thorndon, Kerrison School
bullet17.25 Stoke Ash, White Horse
bullet17.27 Thornham Magna,Horseshoes
bullet17.30 Wickham Skeith, Cotton Junction
bullet17.38 Gislingham, Post Office
bullet17.40 Gislingham, Mill Street
bullet17.50 Rickinghall, Church
bullet17.55 Botesdale, Garage

Route 2

bullet17.05 Hartismere High School
bullet17.10 Yaxley, Cherry Tree
bullet17.12 Yaxley, Burns Close
bullet17.14 Mellis, Aggas Acre
bullet17.15 Mellis, Railway Tavern
bullet17.18 Burgate, Junction
bullet17.20 Wortham, A143 Junction
bullet17.25 Palgrave, Church
bullet17.30 Stuston
bullet17.35 Billingford, Oakley Road
bullet17.40 Hoxne, Swan
bullet17.45 Hoxne, Pump

(All timings are approximate)

Information From Suffolk Education Authority

Admissions Procedure

Pupils are admitted to the school at the age of 11+, without a formal examination. Admission is based on being resident in the catchment area which is a geographical area served by the following Primary Schools: Eye, Occold, Wortham, Mellis, Stoke Ash, Gislingham, Thorndon, Botesdale, Hoxne and Palgrave. Pupils who live in the area but attend schools outside this area are also eligible for admission. Pupils resident beyond the catchment area may be admitted if there is room. All enquiries regarding admission should be addressed in the first instance to the Headteacher.

In the year leading up to the admission of our new intake (maximum 120 pupils), events are organised for parents of prospective students to familiarise themselves with the school. Visits are very welcome at any other time: an appointment may be made by contacting the school.


Parents should note that the Authority does not take out a personal accident insurance policy for individual pupils and students although the school takes out cover for sporting activities. Parents interested in taking out a further policy are advised to contact the National Confederation of Parent-Teacher Associations.

Complaints Procedure

The Education Reform Act 1988, requires local authorities to establish local arrangements for the “consideration and disposal” of certain complaints by parents and others about the school curriculum. Complaints to be dealt with by these arrangements would be those where it is alleged that the authority or the governing body of any county has acted, or is proposing to act, unreasonably in respect of the school curriculum and related matters or has failed to discharge any duty in relation to these requirements.

Accordingly, problems should be referred to the Headteacher in the first instance. If the issue cannot be resolved informally, then it may be referred to a panel of school governors and in the last resort to an LEA panel for formal consideration of complaints.

Teaching Staff


bulletMr R J Hewitt BEd FRSA - Headmaster: English
bulletMr J A Brown BEd - Deputy Head; French: English
bulletMr C Aldous BEd - Curriculum Manager: Maths
bulletMrs P Aldous BSc PGCE - Science: i/c Biology
bulletMrs D J Annis BA MA AdvDipEd - HOD Modern Languages: Publicity
bulletMr P H Auckland BEd - HOD PE: Community Tutor
bulletMrs B Bailey BSc PGCE MIPM - HOD Maths
bulletMrs A Ballantyne BEd - HOD English
bulletMr P Becker-Hounslow BA PGCE MIH - Geography: Deputy Head of Sixth Form
bulletMr G Bennett DipAD ATC BA MA PhD FCollP FRSA - HOD Art: Assessment Evaluation Manager
bulletMr A Berry CertEd AIRTE AdvDipTech - Design and Technology / Special Projects
bulletMrs B Bethell BA PGCE - Modern Languages
bulletMiss G Blake BSc PGCE - Science: i/c Chemistry
bulletMiss H Brunning BA PGCE - Modern Languages
bulletMiss S-J Bullock BEd - HOD Music: Head of Year 7
bulletMr M Burridge BA PGCE - English: Library
bulletMrs S Crisp AGSM - i/c Drama: English
bulletMr O Davies BSc PGCE - Humanities: Geography
bulletMrs L Flatman BA DipEd (Aust) - Humanities: History
bulletMiss K Footer BEd - PE: English
bulletMr K Greenwood BSc PGCE - PE: Geography
bulletMr R Harvey MTh - Religious Education
bulletMr B Le Blanc MA (Canada) PGCE - Modern Languages
bulletMr I Luff BA PGCE - HOD History
bulletMr D McGeever BEd - Head of Lower School: Maths
bulletMrs S McInerney BEd - Pupil / Student Support / Communications Manager: English
bulletMr J McKerral BA - Design and Technology
bulletMr J Mills ABSM PGCE - Music
bulletMr J Mortimer BTech PGCE - HOD Design and Technology: Head of Year 9
bulletMrs J Newnham CertEd - Head of Upper School & Year 11: Girls PE
bulletMr A Nutt BSc PGCE - Head of Business Studies/Economics: GNVQ Co-ordinator
bulletMr R Peaty BSc (Eng) PGCE - Science: Physics
bulletMrs H Peters BEd - Food Technology: Careers: Co-ordinator of NRA: Head of Year 10
bulletMrs S Quantrill MA PGCE - Co-ordinator of Special Needs
bulletMiss H Reynolds BA PGCE - GNVQ Health & Social Care
bulletMr K Rourke HND BA - Science: Chemistry / Biology
bulletMrs S Sadler CertEd - Special Needs
bulletMr T Sawyer BSc PGCE - Geography: GNVQ Leisure & Tourism
bulletMr G Sessions BSc DipRSA FRSA MCollP LBPPA - HOD Science: Environment Manager
bulletMiss N Smith B Tech BA PGCE - Art
bulletMrs G Steward BSc GI Biol - Science: Biology
bulletMrs J Stoter Cert Ed - Science: Biology / Chemistry
bulletMs B Suszczenia BA PGCE - Head of Sixth Form: Art
bulletMiss S Tombs BA - Modern Languages
bulletMr E J Waller BTech HND BEd - Information Technology: Maths
bulletMiss L Walmsley BA PGCE - English
bulletMrs M Watson DipBCPE - i/c Textiles: PE: Head of Year 8
bulletMrs C Webbe BA PGCE - Co-ordinator of Humanities: Geography
bulletMrs R Whitcombe BA BPhil PGCE - English
bulletMr P J White MA BSc CPhys MInstP FRSA - Finance and Administration Manager: Maths
bulletMr P Whitney BSc PGCE - GNVQ Business Studies / Economics

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Non-Teaching Staff

bulletMrs J Archdeacon ALA - Librarian
bulletMr W Brightwell - Caretaker
bulletMs L Dady - Audio/Visual Resources Technician and office support
bulletMiss C Foissier - French Assistant
bulletMrs F Groom - Headteacher’s Secretary and Management Support -
bulletMrs A Hawes - Office Support
bulletMrs W Jephcote - Science Technician
bulletMrs B Jukes - Staff and Sixth Form Support
bulletMrs W Loy - Ancillary Helper (SEN)
bulletMiss A Martiny - German Assistant -
bulletMrs D Sillett - Staffroom Steward
bulletMrs S Youngman - Resources Technician
bulletMrs L Wenham - Bursar
bulletMr R Wharton - Design Technician

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Education Officers

Mr D Peachey
County Education Officer
Suffolk County Council
Education Department
St Andrew House
County Hall
Telephone 01473-583000
Mr J Sculpher
Area Education Manager
Northern Area Education Officer
Adrian House
Alexandra Road
Telephone: 01502-405000

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LEA Appointed Co-opted Governors
Mrs M Buxton, MA, Chairman
Mrs J Craven
Mrs S Dickson
Mr K RileyMr N J Roche FCCA, FBIM
Mr L E Aves
Dr S E Bawden
Mr D R Kershaw
Mr R Pell


Governors Teacher Governors
Mr P Miles
Mrs M Ravenhill
Mrs V M Wilby
Mr P H Auckland
Mr D McGeever


Parent Governor Headmaster
Mr M Carr Mr R J Hewitt

Good Behaviour

Our idea of good behaviour is very simple; it is based on courtesy to and consideration for others. We will expect you to:

bullettry to understand others’ points of view
bulletmake it possible for every one in your classes to learn, and for your teachers to teach
bulletmove quietly and sensibly about the school
bulletspeak politely to everyone and be silent when you are asked to be
bulletkeep the school environment clean and tidy.

If you do find yourself in trouble, you will first be approached by either your form tutor or the relevant Head of Department. If you are asked to see the Head of Year or Head of Upper/Lower school, you really will be in serious trouble. These referrals are relatively few in number because most pupils find a sharp reminder enough.

On occasions, pupils’ behaviour might mean involving a Senior Teacher, and parents might be asked to the school to help sort out the problem.

Very occasionally pupils will be detained after school for an hour. Parents will receive at least 24 hours notice.


Homework is very important and you will have to set aside time to complete it as well as you can. It may not, for instance, always be a written task. It could involve reading, learning, or making things. There is a homework time-table and you can record your homework in your personal planner.

The amount of homework increases as you progress through the years:

  1. Years 7 and 8 - an average of 1 hour per day.
  2. Year 9 - an average of 1 1/2 hours per day.
  3. Years 10 and 11 - up to 3 hours per day. (In these years, homework needs to be more flexible because of the demands of GCSE coursework.)


At lunchtime, you can either purchase a lunch from the school cafeteria or you can bring a packed lunch, which must be eaten in the Dining Hall. Alternatively, if you have your parents’ permission, you may go home for lunch. It is a privilege for older pupils sometimes to be allowed into Eye, provided that they have a ‘pass’ from the Head of Upper School.

If you are feeling a bit peckish during break time, there are first class snacks and drinks machines near the sports hall. You will need change with you in order to use them.

There is now a small shop in the Library which opens on Wednesdays at lunchtime. There you can buy pens, pencils, and various other articles of stationery, and if you are interested in buying books of various types and titles, we try to provide a variety for you. All of you will find the need for a pocket dictionary and Thesaurus - these also will be available in the shop.


There is a covered bicycle area for those of you who wish to cycle to school. You are advised to lock up your cycles, and cycling helmets must be worn on your journeys to and from school. Cycle helmets and reflective safety materials are available from Mr Sessions. Those older pupils among you who wish to bring mopeds or motorcycles to school must bring a letter from your parents requesting permission and you must have all the relevant legal documents.



Please e-mail us with any comments you have.