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Hartismere & Debenham high schools 


The partnership offers the child the opportunity to follow the courses they choose, in their own locality.

Whether they have been given advice and have a clear idea of what they want from a sixth form course, or whether they have not yet decided what to choose but have the necessary enthusiasm to continue, the options open to them are as follows:

bulletA two year course of two or three A or AS levels.
bulletOne or two year General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) courses.
bulletA mixture of the above. 

I addition to year 11 interviews, once they get their examination results in August, the Head of Sixth Form will offer them the opportunity to make an appointment BEFORE the start of the new term in September so that they can discuss their best way forward.


The very fact that they are looking into the possibility of continuing their education suggests that they have already benefited from the teaching and guidance they have been given in their present school. That help and advice will continue to be available to them into the sixth form, during the years here and in preparation for their next move.

Both Hartismere and Debenham are well known for the care and support they offer their students. Both have systems of Personal and Social Education which are designed to care for the welfare of each individual within a socially sound framework while allowing individuality to flourish.


This care will continue in the context of the sixth form where they will have more independence and will be faced with more decisions and more choices. The Head of Sixth Form and our team of tutors, have been carefully selected to help them develop their careers with the confidence needed for success.


We aim to create a happy and energetic environment from which achievement and success are the natural outcomes. The partnership has been founded on success and will lead to it.

Many of them will be offered places in universities and similar centres of education; others, as a consequence of having followed the appropriate courses, will find jobs. Some of them might choose to have a 'year off' and take up further options after spending a year traveling or in employment. Whatever their choice, when they leave us we hope all of them will have been helped towards the greatest achievement of all-the ability to lead a healthy, happy and fulfilling life in the years to come.  

If you would like to find out more about us or what's on offer then you can write to us at:-

Hartismere & Debenham Sixth Form
Hartismere High School
Castleton Way
IP23 7BL

Alternatively you could always e-mail us.

If you are sure that you want to submit an application form to join the Sixth Form you do one of the following:-

bulletWrite to the above address requesting an application form.
bulletCome and 'pop in' to pick up an application form. (Please note various members of staff including the Head of Sixth Form are not spontaneously available to talk. Please book an appointment if you want to ask questions.)
bulletYou could fill in the electronic form below, submit it by pressing the submit button and await a written response from us. If you make a mistake in the form and change your mind, click on reset. 

On line Application Form to join the Sixth Form.

Full Name


Number and Street


Village or Town


Postal Town (if applicable)




Post code




Home Telephone no.


Date of Birth




Present School







Please e-mail us with any comments you have.